crux get-ms2-spectrum [options] <ms2 file>
Extract one or more MS-MS spectra from an MS2 file by scan number. Optionally output summary statistics for each spectrum.
ms2 file
– File containing spectra to be searched.
– the requested spectrum or spectra in MS2 format.
get-ms2-spectrum options
--stats T|F
– Rather than the spectrum, output summary statistics to standard output. Each statistic is placed on a separate line, in the format: (e.g. "TIC:1000.0").
The following statistics are reported for the entire spectrum:- Precursor m/z
- Total Ion Current
- Base Peak Intensity
- Number of peaks
- Minimum m/z
- Maximum m/z
- Charge state
- Neutral mass
- Charged mass
- M+H+ mass
Search parameters
--scan-number <string>
– A single scan number or a range of numbers to be searched. Range should be specified as 'first-last' which will include scans 'first' and 'last'. Default =<empty>
.--remove-precursor-tolerance <float>
– This parameter specifies the tolerance (in Th) around each precursor m/z that is removed when the --remove-precursor-peak option is invoked. Default =1.5
Input and output
--verbosity <integer>
– Specify the verbosity of the current processes. Each level prints the following messages, including all those at lower verbosity levels: 0-fatal errors, 10-non-fatal errors, 20-warnings, 30-information on the progress of execution, 40-more progress information, 50-debug info, 60-detailed debug info. Default =30
.--spectrum-parser pwiz|mstoolkit
– Specify the parser to use for reading in MS/MS spectra. The default, ProteoWizard parser can read the MS/MS file formats listed here. The alternative is MSToolkit parser. If the ProteoWizard parser fails to read your files properly, you may want to try the MSToolkit parser instead. Default =pwiz
.--use-z-line T|F
– Specify whether, when parsing an MS2 spectrum file, Crux obtains the precursor mass information from the "S" line or the "Z" line. Default =true